
Geneva’s Conventions

Geneva found around one day old

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Geneva is a beautiful city in Switzerland known for the Geneva Convention. One meaning of convention is rule, method or practice established by usage.Geneva was the name given to a little seal pup rescued on Gabriola. Many rules, methods and practices were called into play in order to save Geneva. This is his story……………….

It was a brilliant day in June; a strong wind was blowing creating large waves at Orlebar Point. A tiny seal pup only a day or two old was observed desperately trying to climb up on the rocky shore. The incoming waves would pick up the struggling little seal drag it back out until finally a very large wave literally threw the seal pup high up on the shore. It lay there exhausted lifting its head and crying piteously for its mother. No adult seals were seen in the area so some time passed before a call went out to Growls for help.

Geneva at six months old
Geneva at six months old

Growls volunteers responded quickly, assessed the seal pup and determined it was premature because of its white coat (lanugo), which is normally shed before birth. Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre on Saltspring Island was contacted and Growls was instructed to rescue the seal pup. The pup was transported by wildlife rescue helicopter to IWNCC and given the name Geneva. Seriously dehydrated and emaciated weighing only 6 kilos (birth weight should be 15 kilos). He was kept in the isolation ward for several weeks and tube fed a mixture of mashed herring laced with vitamins. Geneva thrived, after six months weighed 30 kilos was now catching his own herring and swimming in the big pool with the other rescued seal pups.

Geneva found to have cataracts
Geneva found to have cataracts

As the time for his release back into the ocean drew near it was noticed there was a milky film over both eyes. He was diagnosed as having cataracts and was blind.After many consultations with marine mammal experts, the Vancouver Aquarium and top ophthalmologists it was decided surgery could be scheduled. The first week in December Geneva underwent cataract surgery in New Westminster.

The cataracts were successfully removed but another eye problem was identified which might not respond to treatment.

Meanwhile Geneva is back at IWNCC on Saltspring being cared for by people who love him. He is not back in the pool until the tiny incisions in his eyes heal. Captivity is not an option, everyone is hopeful that Geneva ‘s sight will be restored so he can swim free in the ocean. Geneva was one of eighteen seal pups rescued by Growls in 2008.

Geneva at IWNCC, healing during the west coast snowfall
Geneva at IWNCC, healing during the west coast snowfall



Future articles will take an in depth look at seals/seal pups that live on reefs around Gabriola.

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