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Library Resources

Our Gabriola library now has a GROWLS donated selection of books pertaining to our island's local wildlife. The titles can be viewed on this page.These books do not circulate off island and so are always available to our community. All have been bought with money donated to GROWLS by individuals who specifically would like a book bought on their behalf. Each book has a nameplate inside to indicate that it is a GROWLS donation. If anyone wishes to make such a donation please go to the contact menu and scroll to donations.Joanna Mackenzie is heading up this project and so please mark it for her attention. Suggestions for new titles are always welcome. Here is the LINK.



1 Bird Brains: The intelligence of crows, ravens, magpies, and jays Savage, Candace
2 Birds of Southwestern British Columbia Cannings, Richard
3 Hearts in the Wild Snopek, Roxanne Willems
4 Owls of the US & Canada Lynch, Wayne
5 Raccoons Zeveloff, Samuel I.
6 The Secret Lives of Hummingbirds Lzaroff, David Wentworth
7 Transients Ford, John K.B.
8 Wild Life & Trees in B.C. Fenger, Mike
9 The Salish Sea Benedict, Audrey DeLella
10 Wellness to Wilderness (DVD) DVD
11 Nature Anatomy: The curious parts and pieces of the natural world Rothman, Julia
12 Super Suckers Cosgrove, Jim A.
13 Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest Lamb, Andy
14 The Sea Among Us Beamish, Richard
15 Birds of British Columbia, Multi-volume Set Campbell, R. Wayne
16 Answering the Call of the Wild Luther, Erin
18 Birds of Coastal British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest Coast Baron, Nancy
19 Birds of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest Cannings, Richard
20 Dam Builders Runtz, Michael W. P.
21 Pacific Seaweeds: A guide to common seaweeds of the west coast Druehl, Louis D.