Do you know there is sixteen bat species in BC, eight of which are classed as vulnerable or threatened? BC also has the most diverse bat community, as there is only nineteen species in all of Canada.
Bats are mammals …
Do you know there is sixteen bat species in BC, eight of which are classed as vulnerable or threatened? BC also has the most diverse bat community, as there is only nineteen species in all of Canada.
Bats are mammals …
GROWLS first quarterly meeting for 2017 with a Presentation about The Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery given by Adam Taylor,executive director of the program
GROWLS hosted an excellent and enlightening presentation on the Vancouver island marmot on thursday february 16th…
One of the busiest times for GROWLS is seal pup season. On our coast seal pups are born from June to September with births peaking in July and August. Seal pups are coming. Very soon pregnant seal mothers will retire …
One of the best whale watching areas in North America is the British Columbia coast and frequent visitors in the waters around Gabriola are the Orca (orcinus orca). Commonly referred to as killer whales, Orcas are actually not …
Gabriola is an island surrounded by a vibrant, powerful ocean. When the tide goes out another world is exposed to us, with some beautiful and unusual plants and animals.
The Lewis’ Moon Snail euspira lewisii is a predator that …
In spring The Roughskin Newt “ Taricha granulosa” migrates from under logs, tree roots and vegetation of their winter homes in the forest to ponds and wetlands. The Taricha (a preserved mummy) granulosa (full of small grains) is getting ready …
One of the more dramatic native plants we will encounter as we walk through the woods, is the Vanilla Leaf (Achlys triphlla) Sometimes known as the Deer foot (as its leaves resemble the hoof print of the deer) this …
The Pacific Banana Slug ariolimax columbianus is one of three very large slugs found in BC. In fact the Banana slug seen here on Gabriola is the second largest slug in the world and is native to BC. This slug …
Graceful, arching woody stems can grow to 4m tall covered in an abundance of green foliage. The stems are golden-brown with twigs that zig zag here and there. Although hairless they do have scattered prickles. Deciduous deep green leaves are …
The Red-legged Frog Rana Aurora is the largest frog found on Gabriola. This handsome frog has smooth brown or slightly reddish brown skin marked by small black dots. Males are about 7 cm in length with females slightly longer at …