- Minutes of June 20 meeting reviewed.
- Case Histories- read out by Shirley Highfill (no hard copy). Noted several calls about fawns being killed by motor vehicle strikes.
- New Directors : Carmel Briscoe, Michele Delasalle, Karen Grant, Carol Hemrich, Iain Lawrence, Donna Thorvaldson have volunteered as Directors and will add to the existing Liz Ciocea, Lawrence Mayles, Nicki Westarp. Thank you to the new D’s .
- Fundraising discussed. Carmel brought forward a unique idea for the Commons Fall Fair. “Bail or Jail “ where persons from the community will be jailed and folks will donate to GROWLS “bail” to get them out. More on this idea as Carmel sources out the potential. The Aviva Challenge discussed but discarded.
- Eagle Monitoring requested $150.00 to bring Ian Mouls of WITS to assist GROWLS with the continued monitoring, mapping of eagle nests. It was approved to grant the funds for a fall date to bring Ian to Gabriola.
- Website: No report on new website although the website is nearly ready to be turned up. It will be carried over to the August meeting.
- GROWLS Puppet show a possibility to perform at the Gabriola Theatre Festival if volunteers are ready. With the Roxy closing the venue to be used by GROWLS it may have to be another time for the Puppet show.
- Bear Smart brochures are available and volunteers needed to give out perhaps a table at the Village. Last sighting by a jogger on Berry Point early July reported by Jill Haras. Darlene Mace indicated she would help with Bear Brochures. Liz plans to do the next Shingle article on Black Bears,
- DVD on the Beaver carried over to next meeting.